Clean Tech, Inc. Begins
1988 - Clean Tech, Inc. was formed to recycle two of the most common plastics used in packaging: HDPE and PET.
1989 - Began manufacturing operations.
- Began primary processing (sorting and grinding) of HDPE and PET.
- Installed first full HDPE recycling system (washing and pelletizing).
Recycling Systems Added
1991 - Added second full HDPE recycling system.
1993 - Added complete PET recycling system.
Clean Tech Expands
1995 - Installed flake color sorting system for PET and HDPE.
- Launched second recycling facility in Michigan with primary processing capacity for aluminum, glass, and plastic.
- Expanded Dundee facility with additional 40,000 sq. ft. of operating area.
1996 - Added two (2) additional flake color sorting systems.
Processing Increases
1998 - Increased HDPE processing capacity by 40 million lbs./yr.
2001 - Added water treatment plant.
2003 - Began processing on the second PET line, which increased processing capacity by 55 million lbs./yr.
Looking Towards the Future
2005 - Added two (2) PET extrusion lines.
2008 - Added 26 million pounds PET extrusion capacity and SSP processing.
2011 - Began construction on additional facility in Dundee.
2012 - New facility in operation.